The #1 outsourcing advisory firm in the world asked e-Core for help. It’s the sincerest vote of confidence. Accelerance sets the standard in software outsourcing due diligence. And it needed help to better manage projects and revenue.
Some Highlights of the partnership between e-Core and Accelerance:
- Accelerance needed better project visibility, especially reporting of user worklogs for billable activities. It wanted to better balance workload across its teams, more accuracy in forecasting expenses and revenues, and better tools to manage internal tasks for marketing, delivery and sales.
- e-Core responded with a successful migration from Mavenlink to JIRA. We changed servers to Atlassian Cloud hosting and implemented some really nice Atlassian add-ons and Marketplace Apps. Setting up Tempo Timesheets and integrating it with Automation for Jira were true keys to success for Accelerance.