How Cilia successfully migrated 600M files in 8 days while ensuring uninterrupted system access

Published: November 1, 2023

Discover how the company migrated millions of files to AWS with e-Core, meeting tight deadlines and slashing costs by 60%.

About Cilia

The Cilia system is designed to streamline the workflow of auto repair shops, insurance companies, and various other stakeholders involved in generating vehicle repair estimation quotes in Brazil.

The system, powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence, machine learning, and image recognition technologies, automates the estimation of vehicle repair costs using images and accident-related information. This entire process operates seamlessly without requiring input from appraisers, repair facilities, or insurance adjusters. Furthermore, the Cilia system boasts a real-time statistical dashboard that provides insights into documented accidents.

Throughout this process, Cilia meticulously handles a plethora of personal data from its clients’ policyholders, necessitating a laser focus on security due to the highly regulated landscape of insurance providers.

The Challenge

Cilia maintains an extensive repository of images, encompassing more than 600 million vehicle photos that fuel the artificial intelligence algorithms, simplifying the estimation process for repair shops, insurance adjusters, and insurers. To ensure the efficiency, scalability, and constant accessibility of this repository, the company opted to store these files on Amazon S3 in São Paulo, Brazil.

Cilia’s objective was twofold: reduce costs and fortify its system’s security environment, a paramount consideration given its custodianship of sensitive personal data acquired through user-filled forms from insurance policyholders. However, São Paulo’s S3 presented security limitations and incurred substantial costs.

The Solution 

In collaboration with Solvimm, an e-Core company, a comprehensive plan was devised to confront these challenges, with an emphasis on optimizing storage costs and enhancing data security.

Recognizing the imperative of uninterrupted data availability, the decision was made to persist in using Amazon S3 for storage. However, the pursuit of heightened data security control prompted the team to opt for migrating the data to the S3 in Ohio, USA,  distinguished by its robust security configurations, a feature Sao Paulo couldn’t provide.

The migration was executed using Amazon S3 Batch Operations, a tool designed to streamline the management of vast data within S3. This approach facilitated the swift transfer of data between regions in batches, significantly reducing the time involved compared to manual processes.

To ensure high availability during the migration, access to files in both the new and original regions was granted, facilitating the seamless and expedited delivery of content to users. Achieving this required the utilization of CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN) service that harmoniously collaborates with various AWS origins, including Amazon S3, resulting in enhanced content loading times

Moreover, data security was fortified through the implementation of AES-256 encryption, with unique keys assigned to every object stored in S3, assuring the safeguarding of sensitive information against potential theft.

The Results

In a remarkable feat, Cilia maintained 100% availability throughout the migration of over 600 million files between the two regions. This astounding achievement was accomplished in just eight days, courtesy of the efficiency of AWS S3 Batch Operations. In a conventional approach, the same task could have stretched over several months.

Following the seamless data migration from São Paulo to Ohio, Cilia witnessed a remarkable 67% reduction in image processing acquisition time, resulting in cost savings exceeding 60%. From a security perspective, the adoption of AES-256 encryption guaranteed the protection of 100% of the stored files, amplifying their safety and confidentiality.


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